Rev. David Dee
Rev. David Dee was appointed in 1575. In 1577 he accepted the vicarage of St.Antholni, London, and in 1580 was appointed vicar of Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, where he was living in 1582.
At this time there were in the country over 4,500 benefices of £10 and less, and parsons were allowed to hold more than one living, but usually in the same diocese.
The services at Deane were conducted by the curate, one James Pendlebury, who lived on the fees only. David Dee visited Deane from time to time, and the accounts at Smithills Hall show that he received certain emoluments from there. He was appointed Rector of St.Bartholomew-the-Great, London, in 1587. He ceased to be Vicar of Deane some time before 1593, when his successor was appointed.