Rev. William Bashall
Rev. William Bashall, curate of St.Anne's, Highgate Rise, London, was instituted Vicar of Deane in 1868. His wife was a niece of John Hick, Esq., who for many years was M.P. for Bolton. A few weeks after his institution he presided over a vestry meeting at which a church rate of a penny in the pound was voted for church expenses. This was the last time a compulsory church rate was levied at Deane, for Parliament abolished the rate the same year. At a subsequent vestry meeting it was decided to raise the necessary funds to meet church expenses by introducing a seat rate. In addition it was resolved that non-parishioners burying at Deane should be charged double fees, half the extra fee going towards church maintenance. With the abolition of the church rate, Little Hulton and Westhoughton ceased to contribute towards the expenses of the Parish Church, though Little Hulton continued to send a churchwarden to Deane up to 1874. In a letter concerning church finances William Ford Hulton, Esq., wrote of the vicar as "...our excellent and highly-respected vicar, who has endeared himself in every way since he came into the parish to every member of his congregation..." Owing to failing health Rev. W.Bashall resigned the living in 1876.